About Spin The Meal


Welcome, and thanks for stopping by.

I’m Amy, a self-taught cook and amateur baking addict inspired by Mark Bittman, Julia Child, and an ever-expanding stack of cookbooks and ripped out “must try” recipes that have taken over just about all of the bookshelves in our home. Between family and a busy career in finance, there’s not much time left to spend in the kitchen…and yet, making time to cook and sit down as a family is one of my greatest priorities and joys. 

I launched Spin The Meal because:

I care deeply about feeding my family real food. I want my children to leave the nest some day knowing how to prepare, and preferring to eat, real food. I hope to inspire others to make cooking at home a priority, too.

I worry about the long term health impact of eating heavily processed foods…the kinds your great-grandma wouldn’t recognize.

And finally: I care deeply about supporting local agriculture. I hope to inspire others to care about where their food comes from and what’s in it.

If you dread spending time in the kitchen, that’s ok. A handful of fresh produce, a few kitchen staples, and a bit of planning can make cooking a snap and can also be deeply rewarding. Whipping up a simple, tasty dish can be accomplished in the same amount of time as opening a box with 47 unpronounceable ingredients. It is possible…I PROMISE.


Contact: If you have a recipe suggestion, comment, or question, please leave a comment on the blog or e-mail me at: spinthemeal (at) gmail (dot) com.  I’ll do my best to respond quickly.  Don’t be suprised if it’s during a late night baking session when I’m elbow deep in batter.

Legal:  The opinions expressed in this blog are my own.  All recipes adapted from other sources will be so noted. All photographs on SpinTheMeal are my work and may not be republished without my written permission. 

Advertising/Product Reviews/Press Inquiries: Generally, no, unless it’s relevant to my content.

One thought on “About Spin The Meal

  1. Judy Kaminski June 21, 2014 at 9:30 am

    How can I get the recipe for the Best yellow cake?

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